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Blizzcon’s Announcements Overshadowed by Diablo: Immortal Mobile Only Fan Backlash
The announcement of Diablo: Immortal disappointed fans who represent a primarily PC player base, love the lore, and enjoy the immersive experience of high-quality graphics. Players also expressed concerns over similarity to a NetEase game, despite assurances from Blizzard to the contrary. BlizzCon also announced Warcarft II: Reforged – a remastered version; Overwatch’s newest hero, Ashe, leader of the outlaw Deadlock Gang and Bob, her faithful omnic companion; Hearthstone’s newest expansion Rastakhan’s Rumble; Heroes of the Storm first Nexus native, Orphea; World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth’s second major content update, Rise of Axshara; and peek at World of Warcraft Classic, coming in the summer of 2019.
Taiwanese Grandpa Shows the Best Way to Play Pokémon Go is with 11 Phones
A 70-year-old man in Taiwan has gone viral for playing Pokémon Go with 11 phones attached to his bicycle. Chen San-yuan has made headlines internationally for the strange setup. Chen also keeps external batteries and charging cables on him so he can enjoy up to 20 hours of battery life per phone.
Since first getting caught on social media and going viral in August, Chen has upgraded to a waist mount, so he can travel with his 11 phones on foot. His neighbor also commented on how Chen’s unique approach to catching pokémon has turned their street into a tourist attraction.
PUBG Now Free on Xbox with PS4 Version Rumored for Next Month
Microsoft has made Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) free to download and play. The full 1.0 release of PUBG for Xbox is “free for a limited time,” and you can download the game free immediately from the Microsoft Store. Microsoft had originally promised “big news” for PUBG fans at the company’s X018 show on Saturday, and it looks like the free PUBG promotion is part of that. Microsoft’s free promotion is set to last between November 8th and November 11th, and PUBG originally appeared in Xbox Game Preview last year, priced at $29.99.
Final Fantasy 15 DLC Canceled, Director Hajime Tabata Leaves
Three of the four planned episodes have been canceled.