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“Sega isn’t limiting us”: Rovio’s first year after the €706m acquisition –
A year after Sony’s acquisition of the Finnish-based developer, Timo Rahkonen discusses Rovio’s successful integration and promising future. Rovio is set to utilize their Beacon platform to assist Sony in expanding their live mobile games like Sonic Rumble and others in Western regions.
PlayVS introduces Stadium digital-first esports competition platform –
PlayVS builds upon their scholastic e-sports competition platform to reach a wider audience. The Stadium platform will provide “the freedom to game without institutional constraints” and will have the ability to host small tournaments or more robust competitions.
Odeeo raises $5M to expand global audio advertising in games –
With an innovative approach to advertising, Odeeo raised an additional $5M in funding to expand their efforts in audio advertising in mobile games. The company has seen rapid growth across the US market and is partnering with Evolution Media Group and Atinum to increase their presence in the Middle East/North Africa and Asian markets as well.
Cyberpunk 2077: The Board Game Funded in 10 Minutes –
In the wake of game titles diversifying their footprint by expanding into movies and animation markets, Cyberpunk 2077 floated the idea of a crowdfunded board game. The fandom speaks loud and clear with a resounding “yes, please” as donations flood into the campaign, reaching their initial funding goal in just 10 minutes.