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Muslim advocacy group calls for boycott of Six Days in Fallujah –

The council for American-Islamic relations calls upon the platform holders to refrain from distributing or selling Six Days in Fallujah. In a release earlier in the week, CAIR described the title as glorifying violence against Iraqi civilians. They state that the game normalizes violence against Muslims around the world and the gaming industry must stop dehumanizing Muslims. Six Days in Fallujah is a first-person shooter attempting to portray the second battle of Fallujah during the Iraq War, largely from the perspective of US forces invading Iraq.


Abandoned director insists he’s not Hideo Kajima – GameSpot

The new rumors about a new PS5 exclusive, Abandoned, are incorrect.  Blue Box Games Studios director, Hasan Kahraman, addressed fans’ suspicions about being Hideo Kajima undercover to promote the game. This recent development was upsetting to his team as they were getting ready to release game teasers, which are now dampened by a conspiracy such as this.


Dean Hall is trying to reinvent Survival, again – Polygon

Hall mentions having unfinished business with the survival genre while showcasing his new project, Icarus. The new title seeks to re-invent the genre by focusing on session-based gameplay, where players take the role of astronauts on a hostile alien planet scavenging for resources. While in orbit, players do not have much to do besides crafting, so the majority of gameplay is during time-restricted trips to the surface.


Atari Restructures –

Atari had split the company into two: one focusing on gaming and another on the blockchain. Atari Gaming shall focus on retro gaming, with their licensing and VCS console. The firm seeks to revitalize old Atari Ips with new experiences in both single and multiplayer. They also announced their new CEO, former chairman of the board, Wade J. Rosen; meanwhile, the former CEO, Frederic Chesnias, turns his attention to the new Atari Blockchain division. This new division will develop Atari Token cryptocurrency for use in their products and third-party applications.

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